Grace Circle Sharing
Toni –. She has a new dog that is a Pomeranian that is blind and 12 years old. She also took 5 cats to Pet Plus from Berkeley Animal Center for adoption.
Bev – Asked for prayers for her son who has a mass in his abdomen.
Renee – Things are going a lot better this month. Her brother is back to work as of today 11-04. Things are going well with her health. She continues to ask for prayers for her mother who has Alzheimers.
Marcie – All is well with her. She is glad to be getting out more. Her 25 year old granddaughter has been sick since Monday with no diagnosis despite repeated tests. Prayers are requested for her.
Mary M. - Gives thanks to God for all her family is well. She is looking forward to their Christmas gathering of 20 family members. She prays that COVID will disappear.
Luanne – Things are going well. She has recently had work done to the exterior of her home by a very good individual who has done good work and was very fast. She was pleased that he went the extra mile and refinished a children's bench she had as a surprise, which she gave to a neighbor's daughter.
Marilyn – Everything is fine and dandy. She is looking forward to a trip next week to Devil's Fork with her family. She had a new roof put on her house. She noted that it feels like we have gone straight to winter.
Louann – Things are good. She got her booster shot Monday. She had a great time in the mountains at Derrick's cabin with good friends.
Jani – Jani got her booster shot yesterday and has already gotten the flu vaccination.
Wilma – Wilma asked for prayers for her brother David and her husband, Doug.
Roxanne - Everything is fine.
Tracy – Saw Disney on Ice with her two granddaughters last Saturday. She is now expecting a grandson, Parker James. She is going to Hawaii in a couple of weeks soon.
Amy - She got her booster today. Looking forward to seeing family next week, especially McKenna. She enjoyed the Hymnal Concert but it was a lot of work.
Kumini - Everything is good. She is going to Japan for three months to give her sister a break from caring full time for her mother.
Judy T. - She apologized for coming in late. She was with a friend. She and her family are good.
Joyce - She is fine. She got her 3rd shot Saturday and will be getting her flu and polio vaccinations tomorrow.
Linda S. - She noted it was good to see Toni and Mary M. She is doing fine and has much to be thankful for.
Nancy C - Nancy is doing fine. Her assisted living had a great party Saturday night and is already decorated for Christmas.
Mary S - Mary noted she was grateful to be a St. Luke's, the trip to the mountains, her flu and booster shots and that her styes are gone. She got great advice from her ophthalmologist who said to put a warm compress on your eyes for 5 minutes in the morning and the evening. She also found out there is a specific wash for your eyelashes. Several indicated that baby shampoo worked just as well and was cheaper.
Joy noted she was loving the weather unlike some other members of Grace Circle. She also noted that Sue Kaufman joined us in the mountains at Lake Sheila outside of Saluda, NC. Sue also brought wonderful food to share.
Gail O. - Gail was thankful for the prayers. Her surgery went well and felt easy.