From Risse Snelgrove, our new SC WELCA President
It’s been a challenging few years for all of us, especially through the pandemic. Since we have been unable to meet face to face in quite a while I’d like to share news and events with you from our board.
First of all, thank you to those who joined us for our first and hopefully last virtual convention on September 27, 2021. Even though we had issues and many bumps in the road we were able to accomplish the business that was necessary.
During the convention we voted on the budget for 2022-2023, we elected a new President Risse Snelgrove from St.John’s in Walhalla, SC and we voted on new board members Virginia Herlong, Treasurer (as of February 1, 2022) (Heartland Conference), Joy Derrick (Coastal Conference), LaTyania Taylor (Midlands Conference), Christy Gardner (Heartland Conference) and Dee Bostick (Foothills Conference). Dee Bostick was unable to fulfill her duties on the board therefore Karen Freeman (Saxe Gotha Conference) willingly stepped in since she was the next in line by number of votes. We also welcomed back returning board members Amanda Boatwright (VP Western Conference), Merri Lewis (Midlands Conference), Denise Warren (Saxe Gotha Conference) Amanda Baker (Western Conference), Sarah Cheesman (Heartland Conference) and Rachel Quesada as treasurer until February 1, 2022. We are all so excited to serve you this coming year and we can’t wait to share with you our goals and visions.
We are so proud to announce that our donations to the convention projects plus one half of our convention offerings were $5,217.68 for the SC Network of Childrens’ Advocacy Centers and $3,395.85 for Lutheran Disaster Response.
Thank you so much for supporting our convention projects in such a wonderful way.
Here are some dates for you to remember:
February 25 &26, 2022 is our Synodical Women’s Retreat at Camp Kinard. Look for registration and more details to come soon.
Coming in May 2022 (dates to be determined) the Isle of Palms Retreat at the coastal retreat center in Isle of Palms.
June 24-25, 2022 will be our Annual Convention. Our theme is “He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands”. We can't wait to see everyone face to face to worship, pray, socialize and conduct our business.
We held our first board meeting on Saturday October 23rd at Ascension Lutheran Church in Columbia.
I am happy to report that we accomplished quite a bit that day. Here are some of the highlights.
Rachel Quesada our current treasurer reported that fifty-five out of 98 congregations have given offerings this year.
Any unused benevolence funds, ($3000) left at the end of the year get sent to churchwide. Joy Offerings go to ELCA Good Gifts. It was decided that we use part of our benevolence funds now and we decided to purchase a family farm through ELCA Good Gifts for $715.00.
It was then decided that the remaining benevolence funds and the funds not used by the Mission Committees be divided evenly and sent to our sister synods in Japan, Tanzania, and Colombia.
The current convention planning team has been busy for many months planning our upcoming convention June 24&25, 2022 to be held at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Newberry, SC.
Convention 2022 Theme - As I mentioned before is He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands based on John 3:16.
Our local project for next year's convention will be to establish a $10,000 endowment for a nursing student at Newberry College. It is known that there is a shortage of nurses in our state and the nation. We want to honor nurses who have put their lives on the line to care for those hospitalized with Covid. We thought the best way to do that is to help provide scholarships to nursing students who are in need and in the nursing program. We are praying that all of you will be open to this decision and help us raise enough to start the endowment.
Our global project will be to support Katie’s Fund. Katie’s Fund is an endowment that supports ministry in three areas: leadership development, global connections, and living theology. Katie’s Fund is now more than $1 million. Women of the ELCA established Katie’s Fund in 1997 to honor the legacy of Katharina von Bora Luther, raise up bold leaders for the churchwide women’s organization, and support bold and creative ministry for generations to come.
Our board has goals to reconnect with women in our congregational units . How are we going to do that? By hosting zoom Bible Studies, Devotions, celebrations for Bold Women’s Day, World Day of Prayer Services, and much, much more. We will be offering retreats for us to study our faith together, relax together and enjoy one another’s company. We will also be visiting churches as often as we can.
Make sure you keep a close watch on our website and even more information on our Facebook Page. We will be updating our connections via social media and communicating better in order to keep you informed, active and proud to be a part of the SC Women of the ELCA.
Again we thank you for your support and donations to SC WELCA.